
Big sur update cannot be installed on this computer
Big sur update cannot be installed on this computer

big sur update cannot be installed on this computer

Thus, we have decided to keep track of all the known bugs and issues found on macOS Big Sur and their status in order to keep you informed when such bugs and issues are fixed or whether there are workarounds available. Matter of fact, new bugs and issues seem to pop up every now and then even though the macOS Big Sur update has been around for a short while. Some of these include the printing, battery draining and overheating, and Apple Watch unlocking issues. We have reported on many macOS Big Sur bugs and issues that have been affecting many users who have installed Apple’s latest OS for Macs. Of course, all operating systems have their fair share of bugs and problems and thus it’s no surprise to see issues pop up every now and then. Well, bugs and issues are also part of ‘everything’ that macOS Big Sur has to offer. Without taking too much time, Apple rectified the problem, and users were able to download the update on their Macs to experience everything new that macOS Big Sur has to offer. Initially, many users who tried installing the macOS Big Sur update on their devices ran into an issue wherein the installation would fail or was downloading extremely slowly even on high-speed connections. This seems to have been a great move from Apple considering the massive wave of positive reviews of the new M1 (Apple silicone) Macs that are flooding the internet.īut it is not all moonlight and roses given fact that the macOS Big Sur update started off on the wrong foot. And after months of testing, the new OS was released to the public on November 12.Īs you may already know, macOS Big Sur brings a host of new changes and improvements to the user interface and also adds a bunch of new features to enhance the overall user experience.Īpart from the visual changes and additional features, it’s also the first macOS version to support ARM-based processors.

big sur update cannot be installed on this computer big sur update cannot be installed on this computer

This article is being continously updated, with new updates being added to the bottom of the story (and in the table) Original story (from November 28) follows:Īpple announced macOS Big Sur at the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) event on June 22, 2020.

Big sur update cannot be installed on this computer