Nintendo Switch Online: SNES Games (56).Nintendo Switch Online: Japanese NES Exclusives.Nintendo Switch Online: NES SP Versions.

Every Nintendo Switch Online Game Boy Advance (GBA) Game Ranked.Every Nintendo Switch Online Sega Genesis / Mega Drive Game Ranked.Every Nintendo Switch Online N64 Game Ranked.Every Nintendo Switch Online Game Boy (Color) Game Ranked.Every Nintendo Switch Online SNES Game Ranked.Every Nintendo Switch Online NES Game Ranked.If you're interested in which games are really worth your time, you can find out in our reader-ranked polls and check out our reviews for many of them: Each title benefits from save states (and the ability to rewind the action for the NES, SNES, and GB games). Remember, these games aren't individual downloads, but are bundled together in the Nintendo Switch Online NES, SNES, GB, N64, Genesis / Mega Drive, GBA applications, which are 'free' to download.