
Masha babko sucking cum
Masha babko sucking cum

masha babko sucking cum

I don't believe I am suffering from POCD, as I (and this is going to sound really bad) am not exactly 'freaking out' about my thoughts, and find fantasies etc enjoyable and not stressful like POCD sufferers do. I know that makes me sound like a monster, but I DO understand that these thoughts etc are wrong and I want to stop (though I'm not sure this is possible) or at least learn more about my condition, as I feel I can't quite relate to a lot of research regarding males. Thankyou for replying! your post was very reassuring to me. While I'm not a pedophile (or a female), I definitely known what it is like to struggle with something similar and to feel alone.

Masha babko sucking cum